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Resources and helpful links for teaching green economy in vocational schools

 Teaching green economy in vocational schools is crucial for preparing students to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable development. Here are some valuable resources, including websites and books, that educators can use:

  1. "Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Practical Guide for Institutions"1:
    • This UNESCO publication provides insights into greening TVET institutions. It emphasizes a whole-institution approach to integrating education for sustainable development (ESD) and greening practices. The guide outlines the need for greening, institutional benefits, and steps to create an institutional greening plan.
  2. Compendium of Inspiring Practices2:
    • Published by the Working Group on Vocational Education Training and the Green Transition, this compendium highlights inspiring practices related to green skills in VET. It showcases successful initiatives from various European countries.
  3. "Green Skills and Environmental Awareness in Vocational Education and Training: Synthesis Report"3:
    • Cedefop’s report examines trends in employment, skill needs, and training provision for occupations affected by the transition to a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy. It offers policy recommendations to meet skill demands.
  4. "Green Transition: Vocational Education and Training Can Provide Skills Needed for Greening European Jobs"4:
    • This report emphasizes the role of VET in developing skills for green jobs. It discusses the need for upskilling and reskilling to support the transition to green and digital economies.
  5. Finland’s Experience:

Remember that teachers play a crucial role in driving educational change. They need the right skills to teach sustainability effectively. By incorporating these resources, vocational schools can equip students with the knowledge and competencies needed for a greener future.

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